How to export the MTR app log?

If you encounter issues related to account login, meeting synchronization failure, meeting join failure, and an abnormal invitation to join, please export the MTR app logs.

  • Directly export the log via input in your mailbox

    1. Go to More > Settings (Default password: sfb) > Device to enable Send logs with feedback.
    2. Input your mailbox and select Save and exit.
      How to export the log of the MTR app.gif
  • Export the MTR log by running the command in PowerShell

    1. Run PowerShell as Administrator in the Windows mode.
    2. Input the following:
      powershell -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted c:\rigel\x64\scripts\provisioning\ScriptLaunch.ps1 CollectSrsV2Logs.ps1
    3. The logs will be output as a ZIP file in c:\rigel.
      Export the MTR log via running the command in PowerShell.gif